Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Keep it ZIPPED ladies!

So I don't know if I have become hyper aware of this since becoming a mother, or if it's just more accepted by society these days, but what is with nursing mothers whipping out the chow wagon in public?! I mean REALLY?!

Several months before the birth of Peanut, Dana and I were meandering through IKEA when I notice Dana's eyes become saucers. They are telling me that he's just seen a) a ghost, or b) the naked booby of a random tree hugging, nature mommy in the Lighting aisle. It was no joke because minutes later in Textiles I ran right into her. Sure enough, she had her baby in the Baby Bjorn and her business was out there for everyone to see! The baby was chilling out in the carrier facing mommy and mommy's business was just BLAM...THERE...whipped out so baby can hook it up at her convenience. REALLY?!

My next experience was just last week when we were at Babies R' Us. Now granted, BRU is a place you would expect nursing mothers to be, but COME ON. We were looking for one item in particular and walked past one row several times. There was a couple in the row clearly looking into baby baths and were pulling out different models to get a good look. Each time I walked past, they had another style/model in their hands. The very last time I walked by...sure enough...she wasn't pulling baths out any longer, she had ejected HERSELF from her blouse and as she was cramming baby baths back into boxes, baby boy was hooked up getting down to business. First of all, I kind of admired her ability to multi-task. I mean the woman was bending over, standing up, tossing boxes around like she wasn't otherwise engaged in nursing. That's impressive on many levels. But nonetheless...REALLY?

I understand that nursing is natural and beautiful, it is a precious bond between mother and baby. I get that people, believe me! I cherish that time with my child, but I don't get the 'just pull it out' notion.

"Just pull it out" friends, let me introduce you to a diaper bag MUST-HAVE, The Hooter Hider. It's amazing, and gives you and your baby blissful privacy and not to mention it saves the awkward glances from passers by.

"Just pull it out" no longer! Hide those hooters sisters!


Addie said...

Amen. It's a beautiful thing between a mother and child, not between a mother, child, and the public at large.

In order to be proper, I once resorted to nursing in a bathroom (sitting on the toilet), and while I can't imagine doing that again, neither can I imagine making people uncomfortable in what seems to me to be some sort of statement. THIS IS BEAUTIFUL, DON'T LOOK!

I think I will blatantly stare the next time I see something like that. Give me a break. You can't make ME uncomfy. I will WIN THIS BATTLE, yes ma'am. :)

Preach it, sister.

Anamaria Micu said...

Agreed! Not appropriate ;) Hooter Hiders are a must!!!

Natalie said...

You crack me up! And what do you expect living in Washington/Oregon? jk
Hey, I am going to come up in March to see you, looking into plane tickets now....would you have a preference of the week before or after March 21st? (wedding that day in Seattle for Matt!)

T said...

okay so i'm not a momma but i'm not really sure i have that big of a problem. it's okay you and awmmb can send me death stares if and when i pop out babies but i'll probably do whatever i wanted to do regardless of the stares :)

how i love you and your hooters too!