Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Rose By Any Other Name

Baby naming is not nearly as much fun as I thought it would be. Really.
What if we give her the one name we think is safe. What if we give her the one name we determined to be absolutely, positively nickname-free and after all that effort, she winds up dubbed with the most hideous and child-hood altering nickname thinkable??
Oh the thoughts that will plague parents to be.
Now, to give curious minds rest, we only have a few names on our ‘yes’ list. In no particular order (and strategically leaving out the name in the #1 spot), they are; (drumroll please) Paige, Selah, Kay and Adele. If you think one or all of them are great, tell us. Other wise, and I say this with all the love in my heart, do us a solid and keep it to yourself. Yes, by choosing one of the aforementioned names, we would ‘actually do that to our child’. We do have a favorite, but are not necessarily closing the door on other options. Until that big naming day, we will loving and proudly call her “Peanut”.

Dana and I have been feverishly planning and preparing for Peanut. Yes, we have time still but we wanted to make sure we had all the big things out of the way first; the nursery, childcare, etc. I'm not an overachiever and I'm not one of 'those' moms but I don't like the idea of all these things bombarding me in the eleventh hour if you know what I mean.
On that note, with the help of Dana’s parents we have almost got the nursery completely painted. It's getting real folks! There is an actual nursery coming together in our home. It is an actual nursery, where an actual teeny tiny human will call home. WHOA!

I am trying to stay on top of my What To Expect While Expecting homework. What do I need to look out for in the next 3 months? What should I be keeping an eye on? And more importantly, what in the WORLD should I expect when the big day comes? In that effort, I have learned one sure fire thing…it’s definitely time to STOP doing my homework. HAVE MERCY this is a terrifying little job I’m up to. What are things like glucose testing, and Braxton hicks? What is water breaking like…do you really feel like you just wet your pants? Are epidurals really necessary and do they hurt? How much should I care about the facility I’m delivery at rather than the person doing the delivering? What if I give birth to an ugly child? Will I be objective enough to say “oooo…that’s an awkward looking kid” or will I be so head in the clouds I won’t notice her crazy eyes or missing nose? OH and there’s the whole issue of pushing a HUMAN OUT OF MY BODY, all of these things are enough to stress me into pre-term labor and that’s not going to do any of us any good. I won’t settle for total disillusionment, but I’m okay with denial…for a little longer anyway. :)

As much as we try to prepare for Peanut, she reminds me daily that she’s growing quickly and she’s very much on her way. We couldn’t be more excited for her arrival! “But I’m guessing it looks probably like a sea monkey right now and we should let it get a little cuter.”

Here’s a pic of the nursery in the works. We chose a soft yellow color and LOVED the way it worked out!

I also threw in Dana’s latest pearl of wisdom. “Shopping carts are covered in germs. I’m looking out for our child and following this method.”

He’s really picking this up quickly, he’s going to be such a great dad!

Friday, June 12, 2009

"See, I'm doing my homework..."

Another tasty morsel from Peanut's sweet daddy to be!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

A swift kick in the pants...literally.

Last night Dana and I were spending time with some friends and I noticed Peanut was really active..more active than she had ever really been before. I kept feeling much harder nudges and it was clear she had moved past the 'fluttery/bubbles' phase into full-fledged kicking.
At our last ultrasound the tech referred to baby girl as 'stubborn' and 'uncooperative' because she wasn't even remotely interested in sitting still or slowing down. I thought it was the strangest thing that I was watching her squirm and toss on the screen, but I still couldn't feel her at all.

That all changed last night! Wooo-boy!

We were on our way home and I decided to feel around...sure enough she wasn't keen on me poking and prodding at my belly and kicked right back at me! It was WILD! I can't even put it into words really..just wild. Dana reached over to experience it for himself but she took that opportunity to chill out a bit. She hasn't given him the boot yet but he's definitely trying to sweet talking her into it. ;)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

As Promised

My mama was so confident we were having a little girl, she went out the weekend before our appointment and got 'pink-i-fied'.

Sucking her thumb

She gave us a good stretch before this shot

Monday, June 1, 2009

Seeing Pink..

We had a very exciting day today, we found out we were having a sweet and healthy baby girl!
The ultrasound was out of this world, the detail was incredible. We saw the four chambers of the heart, the different sections of her brain, her bladder, stomach and sweet face. We even caught a look at her moving jaw when she was sucking her thumb!

All in all, sweet Peanut is healthy and VERY active..we couldn't ask for more. :) We are thrilled to know the sex and be able to plan for her fun!

We have really exciting pictures coming, so stay posted..