This one is for the ladies, sorry guys.
Last night I had the sublime opportunity to go to happy hour with some of my girlfriends. This wasn't just any other night out with the girls...this particular gathering had a very special purpose. We were coming together to celebrate our dear friend and the life of the beautiful baby boy she will be bringing into this world VERY soon!
Let me set up the scene for you. We are from all stages of life; three of us are nursing mothers, two gals have kids under seven and put us to SHAME in terms of beauty and style, one is on the dating scene, and one is ready to pop with her first! We are all the entertainment we needed, truly. :) The scene of the crime was a local lounge that seconds as a movie theater. We go there often enough, and occupy a large table for several hours at a time. They serve excellent nachos, delicious desserts and have the snazziest glasses to drink from! (It's all in the details, right girls?)
The last time we were there we exchanged Christmas gifts. One very sweet girl in the group gave us the wonderful idea to go around the table and as each girl opened her present, we would each share something we love about her. It took a matter of minutes and we were all in tears. Remember the 'nursing mothers' part? Throw that in with just being girls and that spells HORMONES! What a great time..sometimes girls just need to love on each other like that! Our waiter quietly went around the tables keeping the water glasses full, he even brought us extra napkins to dab our drenched faces. He was a total stud and handled us with care, but you KNOW he went home to his buddies like "DDUUUDEEESS, I had the CRAZIEST table tonight!"
Last night was no exception to our routine. We laughed a lot, we shared stories from our week, we talked about our kids/boys/homes and then conversation took a deliciously dirty turn to everything about child birth/labor. Given that two of us are FRESH off the labor circuit and one is going in, we had stories to tell and boy did we laugh. Sadly, I think our waiter was far from prepared to hear the conversation floating from our table. Yes, we women talk about the gory delivery details, tearing and fluids, boobies and body changes. It's one of those things we can share and while we laugh through it, we walk away relieved that we in fact, are NOT cuckoo for cocoa cocoa puffs and that some things really do happen to other people.
It is a treasure; a group of girls you can come to, hash out your dirty details with and walk away feeling saner for having done so. We challenge each other to be better wives/mothers/friends/sisters in significant ways, most of the time without using words. Sometimes the things unspoken make the most powerful impact.
Needless to say, I anticipate many more shell-shocked waiters and many more happy hour happenings. :) Cheers to you beautiful babes.
Love you Andie! It was a great time...and I'm so blessed by all of you!
what a blessing these girls must be. hooray for being loved!
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