Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Bubye 2009!

It is simply impossible to put into words the craziness and excitement of the last two weeks, so I thought I would try a different route.

SO - in no particular order...the highlights of our 2009 holiday season were...

Watching Penelope discover Christmas lights. Her eyes danced across the holiday trimmings with such wonder and delight!

Seeing A LOT of family on BOTH sides. We were fortunate to see schedules come together and a lot of family reunite.

Giving gifts - even if they were mostly homemade.

Feeling like distant cousins of the Griswolds as we darted through the Airport doing the "traveling with a newborn 100 yard dash". SO much stuff for someone so small! And who they tested breastmilk for anthrax!?

The cranky lady on the plane give us stink eye when we boarded, then continued to inform us that traveling with babies is basically foolish because all babies are miserable travelers. Little did she know she would be eating crow 2 hours later when we landed and Penelope had yet to make a single peep that wasn't in the form of a coo or gurgle.
She was a saint the entire trip...take that crankypants!


Awesome miniature golf - still not athletically inclined..even if it's hitting a ball through the slowly turning windmill. Dang.

Great food - all of the stuff Mom knows we love. She pulled out all the stops.

Discovery Channel - mmmm...Dirtiest Jobs, Deadliest Catch, DC Health...oh my!

Christmas 2009 was one for the books and we are so fortunate to have been able to experience it through the eyes of our beautiful baby girl. She provides all the wonder and delight these hearts needs this side of heaven.

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