This weekend was jam-packed with project after project in preparation for baby girl. We are both pretty tired of our house being in a perpetual state of 'transition'. Picture this, a ladder in the dining room, dining room table in the living room..paint supplies in the nursery, and wall decor leaned up on walls throughout the house.
Our mission Saturday morning was to work together to get the place ship-shape and put back to something resembling what it was. Once we brought more method to the madness, Dana (along with great helpers) was able to finish the bulk of the painting project. Just a few more touches in the painting department and we can cross that monster off our 'to do before baby' list!
***I've got to give him major credit because it is TOTALLY due. Dana painted, cleaned, painted and got both cars caught up on oil changes and maintenance. That right there is a hard working man! Thank you baby!***
Just before we were both ready to crash that night, Dana and I decided we would do something fun and low-key and 'whip together' the Pack N' Play we were given at my very first baby shower. Surely those pop right up and come together quickly right? I mean REALLY, how complicated could a portable play yard/bassinet be??
25 minutes later...we're realizing this is just like the time we installed the "Fifteen Minute Fan" in our bedroom. From start to finish it was 3 days total.
Needless to say, we quickly realized the chances of us breaking this down in the very near future are extremely slim. Not that we could recall how it all 'packs' together anyhow! This is our take-away..we know we make a great team when faced with new and challenging projects. Yes, I said challenging. We're working our way up people. Pack N' Play - done. Crib - well..she won't need that for what..a few years right??
Shower details and pictures to come!! I was spoiled rotten by a group of amazing friends and family. LOVE them..thank you ladies!
I have heard some of those Pack N'Play's can be a beast to figure out at first. Can't wait to see pictures!
Before you know it, you'll be able to whip that Pack-N-Play up and out in no time. It's amazing the skillz you pick up as a new momma.
Also: feeding another human from what your body produces. Amazing! :)
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