Wednesday, July 8, 2009

In All Its Glory

Dana and a friend went out to Portland late one night to shoot some pretty amazing pictures. Here is Dana's first official picture (that he is willing to share that is), isn't it awesome?! What a great eye!


Kari said...

whoa...can I frame that and hang it on my wall? BEEEEYOOOTIFUL Dana!

Addie said...

Wow. That's rather lovely and impressive. Non-retouched, or fixed up in PhotoShop? I'm not judging, just curious. :) If I knew how, I'd PS the ever loving daylights out of every picture I shot!

Love you!

Natalie said...

sweet picture! I made it my desktop background pic, I love it! Makes me miss PDX!!!

Dana and Andrea Davenport said...

99% of photos these days are edited in photoshop or lightroom. This particular one did not have very much at all. It was a long exposure shot, so the colors actually came out like that. I do enjoy the opinions, because it helps me to see from someone else view

Dan Linn said...

Great shot! Like how the colors came out!