Monday, July 20, 2009

27 down...13 to go!

Our weekend was jam-packed with purging unnecessary junk and clutter from our home in preparation for Peanut. BOY HOWDY we had a lot of stuff we didn't need and there is more to go. :) Eek! It seems like once we have one room nailed down and we're ready to cross that pre-baby prep task off our list, somehow another has snuck right in there and added itself.

So last night, we finally had a chance to reeeelaaaxx. We ate a delicious home cooked dinner, watched a terrible TV movie and just laid low...what a great way to end an otherwise chaotic weekend.

We realized we finally had some time to take a few belly shots and Dana won't hesitate at the chance to pull out his camera, so here they are!

Hard to believe she's already 27 weeks, I feel HUUUUGGGEEEE. Yeah, yeah, I know she only grows from here..but let me live in denial for just awhile longer, ok??


Anonymous said...

ooooo lala whats your size whats your number

Addie said...

I love it! Especially the second pic. You might feel big, but you're looking rather lovely, miss mama. I'm really excited for you guys!

kares said...

I'm wondering if Peanut is the right word now..pretty sure she's a 'tad' bit larger than that these days... ;) JK Love ya