I am heading into what seem to be my most brutal/painful months of the year, and it seems I have been getting a lot of questions regarding my overall health and wellness. I thought now would be a great time to throw a post out there updating y'all with what that means for me.
A Pain Board & Internal Medicine Certified Doctor/Naturopath was my last stop in my attempt to find an solution for this pain disorder I have lived with for the past 5 years. It is called Fibromyalgia. It is something not many conventional doctors are willing to treat because its symptoms are relatively broad and hard to pin down. To the point of said visit with the new doc, I had lived through a barrage of pain/antibiotic/sleep/crazy meds, physical therapy, and counseling. All of which had become old hat to me, that was what I knew as 'normal'. I knew this was a disease that is incurable, and only really manageable with exercise, and meds. These would be routines I would have to understand and accept for the rest of my life.
Enter new doc..we will call him (thank you Aretha) Dr. Feelgood. Right off the bat, his jaw hit the floor when he saw the laundry list of medications I have been told to throw at my system. He was appalled, offended even. After two hours of sitting in his office talking, he was quite certain I was dealing with something quite a bit more complex than FMS. He examined me for 10 minutes, and sat me down to explain our game plan. I was diagnosed with FMS, which my old doctors said came as a result of my car accident 5 years ago. He is quite certain that I actually initially had something called Myofacial Pain Syndrome. He believes that because THAT went untreated, the symptoms manifested themselves into what is now FIERCE FMS/MPS. **Sidebar: Auto-immune disorders can be extremely complex. Imagine your immune system is the coast guard and each cell, good and bad is a ship with a flag on it. Your 'coast guard' looks out for the pirate flags (bad cells) and attacks/destroys them. The trick with AI disorders is that your immune system is too preoccupied with attacking the good cells, that simply does not recognize the bad ones (pirate ships).** Had the MFS been treated years ago, I would not be in the place I am now. He validated every ache and said that he has no doubt I am living in extreme pain. He also said he was confident he would be able to help me.
I left his office with somewhere around 15 different NATURAL pills/supplements that were to take place of my prescriptions for sleep, pain, depression, etc. After a month and a half of the worst detox of my life, I started to feel some relief.
I sleep without drugs.
I have more energy without drugs.
I am living what is looking more and more like a normal life. It is still a life with pain, but its looking more and more hopeful.
Seeing Dr. Feelgood is extremely costly, and at this point, we just don't have the means to make him a regular visit. However, we have learned a few really great lessons about how we eat, what medications I do take, and I've learned to look at normal activities with more hope.
Now about those bad months. Every year, we here in the Pac NW experience a shift in weather. Our change of seasons are quite as graceful as they are in other places of the world. When it's hot, it's BLISTERING hot. When it is cold, you simply forget to breathe. Either extreme would be easier to deal with if they didn't come along so suddenly, with little warning. When we kick into extreme temps, my body kicks over to pain mode.
Simply put, this kind of pain is indescribable. BUT, I have a superb support system and every reason to keep looking up. I have an amazing husband that takes more care of me than I deserve. I do have hope for a change, and I am confident in my HEALER. Who could ask for more? ;)
i get it. i get it. and after reading this post i decided to bite the bullet and make an appointment with an MD/ND for January. i have a million other docs i'm working with too and hope to get it down to two or three by late spring. now, if only i could afford a car to go to all these appointments. sigh...
i love you asd. god is good and i pray you too shall overcome. xo
Andrea, about pain and MD's giving prescriptions. I went 33 years undiagnosed with a spinal birth defect. When I started driving truck and doing alot of heavy lifting the pain came. I had been blowing out my knees, but the Orthopedic never connected a bad back with compensating knee damage. After my last knee surgery in 2002 the back pain worsened.
This is where the pain meds began.At the height of my (addiction??) I had had steroid injections in my back, massage therapy, scans and an EMG (don't ever get one of those!) and I was taking 14 pills a day for pain. Morphine (45mg) and Oxycodone (14mg for "break through") became my daily routine. We had no insurance.
When my wife got health insurance I went to a real doctor and he was both a nuerologist and an excellant Ortho. This guy was on the leading edge of micro-surgery for back reconstruction. This doctor told me he would not do any surgery until I got off the pain meds!! What!!??
How could I get off the meds and still be able to function?? His reply was simple....you have desensitized your central nervous system. They ONLY put people on pain meds AFTER surgery for maybe a week. Egads!! He sugested I de-tox since it had now been 3 years.
To detox you either do a medical in the hospital (real rough to your system) or you stop one pill a day a week. That would take me 14 weeks and not to mention what about pain?? I couldn't even sleep more than 4 hours a night??
Here's the good part...during week #2 I got up one night and I was kind of praying/thinking to the Lord. I said; "Lord, I know guys you have flat out delivered from drugs and alcohol." "Would you help me?"
The thought came like this.."Why would I not honor you, if you have honored me??" Well, did I?? By faith, that night I dumped all the pain meds. I went cold turkey for the next two weeks and haven't looked back since. I got into a therapy pool for 6 months and went back to the Neurologist. The latest MRI showed the bones that were surface to surface were "knitting" together...fusing on their own. Praise be to God. Do I have pain?? Only if I over do it. Do I take meds?? Only an occasional Ibuprofen. We got a Tempur=pedic bed and I sleep like a log. So...moral of the story..I have seen you honor God and bless me and others by your praise and worship (thank you by the way) and I am confident that the Lord has healing in His wings for you too
God bless
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