Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sugar melts in the rain my dear...

I'm not entirely sure if my mom coined this sweet phrase or if it came from a movie/song/book, "Sugar melts in the rain!"
And that indeed it does!
Our region has been blasted with the CRAZIEST weather this holiday season. It started out as the normal fall drizzle, then we were hearing warning of what they coined the "Arctic Blast". Coming from Bozeman, MT and Ogden, UT to me, that thought was laughable. But lo and behold, as predicted, the snow began to fall and you would think by the reaction, the sky was falling in. Our 8 inch snow drifts on the sides of the roads were just too much to handle. Schools were shut down, offices were closed, we were on full alert for the impending doom. Dana being from So.Cal. was amazed at this anomaly and each day just waited for the temp to drop below freezing so he could rally on the black ice in his death trap Honda Civic Hatch.
After a few days of black ice and random snow drifts and we were catapulted into the brunt of our Arctic Blast. Sure enough, our roads were all covered and we were buckled down for the big one. I realize now that these storms really aren't all that laughable. See, we are dealing with incredible amounts of ice and very dangerous driving/walking conditions. The whole place turns into an ice box and its hard to determine which way is what when you are on the roads. So people really do bunker down and ride it out at home. This kind of storm has only come twice since I have lived here nearly 5 years. So when it comes, we know it means business.

Somewhere in the center of the storm, my mom was able to fly in and join us for the white out. We had a relatively quiet and relaxing Christmas Holiday and really just dug into spending time with family and friends. Despite the troublesome temperatures and sporadic snow we were quite content laying low inside with a fire roaring in the background. We've watched a bunch of movies, made some great meals, and found rest and relaxation I think we have all needed. Now THAT is my kind of holiday. ;) Our holidays usually look quite a bit more like Clark W. Griswold's ('The little ones aren't blinking Clark'), so to say the least, it was a nice change.

I certainly hope everyone had a blessed and full holiday season. I anticipate amazing things for 2009. I believe in a big God who I know will lead us in a new and great direction this year. I have hope for change in finances, health, and fitness. I have hope for change in myself, to be stronger and more confident. I have hope for a new generation to rise up in faith, to know growth, real fulfillment and determination. I hope for those I love to experience joy of the purest sort. Oh hey, and while I'm at it, I hope for world peace and an end to world hunger...and for every orphan to find a home. Think I'll win the crown this go 'round? ;)

Wishing you and yours a beautiful and blessed 2009.

With much love, Dana and Andrea

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