Monday, March 1, 2010

Long Time Gone

I'm SORRY for being so lax in posting in oh...two weeks. has been a whirlwind adventure in our sweet lil home. Everything from combating illness, keeping up with work, catching up on spring cleaning and that whole task of raising an infant has had us dashing from task to task so quickly that our heads are spinning.

I owe you some serious catch up, so in the mean time I'll show you what's to come.

Dum da dum! Here we go...a recap of the last two weeks in future blog titles!

1: "Plump Plump Penelope"
2: From Bath Time to Bathing Suit
3: Chatty Kathy
4: Thrifty or GENIUS?
5: Bedroom Makeover!!
6: Adventures in Machismo
7: Blossom: Adventures and Discovery

Could I be more vague? Just stay posted. I'll keep you entertained with this here Griswold-esque story that is our life.


Anonymous said...

Hello? I guess nobody reads our blog.

Addie said...

I read it. WHEN YOU POST SOMETHING. Them's the rules. I don't check unless I'm told to by my little feed. :) It's the boss of me. I want pictures of plump plump Penelope and her chublets!