Thursday, January 28, 2010

State of Confusion?

So last night, with a very sleepy baby in my arms, I found myself watching President Obama give his State of the Union address. It was at least 15 minutes into his address that I noticed I had been watching the whole time and didn't hear a word he was saying. I watched his lips move, I saw him raise his hands in emphasis, I saw Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi jump to their feet every 2.3 minutes, but I literally did not hear a WORD he said.
At some point toward the end of my day, a gnarly energy annihilator crept through my brain and killed off every major mental faculty one at a time. Hearing; check. Balance; check. Communication; check check.
I realized quickly that I should get a few things done around the house before it killed off my ability to walk or see!

On my commute to work this morning I followed my normal routine and ended up at a stop sign close to my office. After a minute or so I realized I was still in front of an empty street with my right turn signal on waiting for the SIGN to turn GREEN so I could go LEFT and get to work. Yep, you read that right. I was waiting at a STOP SIGN with my right signal on for the non-existent STOP LIGHT to turn green so I could turn left.

So. THIS is what exhaustion feels like? Riiight. Kill me now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

3 Months!!!

I'm totally late in posting this, but here is Penelope's 3 month picture. I can't believe she will be 15 weeks tomorrow - that just trips me out!
The joy she has added to our lives is indescribable and we couldn't be more in love with this little munchkin.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Fit For Dreaming

We are three months late, but we finally rallied and put all of our effort into finishing Penelope's nursery. We are so happy to see how it turned out. It has been SUCH a joy to see her discover the world of wonder and light around her!

I Could Eat Her RIGHT Up!

I mean really...can you stand the cuteness?

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Grunts, callouses, all around good time.

So Dana has really wanted to find a good/hardcore workout program. I happen to think he's a total hottie as is, but he really wants something that will stretch him and get him in the lean shape he was in when he lived in SOCal. Seek and you shall find, he found a program called Crossfit and on Monday he will be starting the intense, boot-camp like workout. It is nothing like a gym membership. You won't find an elliptical machine, a treadmill or a swimming pool..oh no. They do it old school - free weights, bands, a pipe hung in a warehouse used for pull-ups, and a lot of space to run your butt off. 95% of the clients are male and they definitely kick each other's butt to get the beefy/lean/machismo/(enter word of choice here) look that the girls just eat up.
I have this image of guys yelling at each other - or trainers degrading their clients to make them look and feel weak or small. You of the mill "bootcamp" stereotype right? Dana assures me that's not the case. They just 'encourage' each other to check their internal 'wuss' at the door, man up and get the job done. I guess guys work well that way.

I'm pretty content doing the water aerobics with people twice my age. You know, the folks that cheer when they've reached rep number ten.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Day #2

I made it to the car before melting down. I call that progress.

...what a boob...

Monday, January 11, 2010

Right after they peeled me off the floor...

Today was Penelope's first day at daycare and my first day back to work. Fortunately, we took the 'break in' approach and I'm only working 1/2 days this week.

Peanut was the first little one to arrive bright and early in the morning. I found myself explaining her schedule to the care giver and the more I talked, the more my eyes welled up. The poor gal kept putting her hands out to take Penelope and I couldn't bring myself to hand her over. I covered her face with a million kisses and told her over and over how much I love her. By the time I was finally able to put her in very capable hands, I was a pretty amazing mess. I never in a million years would have imagined that this step would be as hard as it was. There was a pretty large puddle of tears, but we made it! PHEW!

Long story short, she was a champ. At my day's mid-point, I received several picture texts from my very dear friend Anna. She was able to stop by the daycare, visit with Penelope and take a few pictures for the mommy who was desperately missing her baby. Every picture was smiley and happy. She did great today, and got along very well.

Those pictures meant the world to me.

The first day back to reality...done and done.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun

This one is for the ladies, sorry guys.

Last night I had the sublime opportunity to go to happy hour with some of my girlfriends. This wasn't just any other night out with the girls...this particular gathering had a very special purpose. We were coming together to celebrate our dear friend and the life of the beautiful baby boy she will be bringing into this world VERY soon!

Let me set up the scene for you. We are from all stages of life; three of us are nursing mothers, two gals have kids under seven and put us to SHAME in terms of beauty and style, one is on the dating scene, and one is ready to pop with her first! We are all the entertainment we needed, truly. :) The scene of the crime was a local lounge that seconds as a movie theater. We go there often enough, and occupy a large table for several hours at a time. They serve excellent nachos, delicious desserts and have the snazziest glasses to drink from! (It's all in the details, right girls?)

The last time we were there we exchanged Christmas gifts. One very sweet girl in the group gave us the wonderful idea to go around the table and as each girl opened her present, we would each share something we love about her. It took a matter of minutes and we were all in tears. Remember the 'nursing mothers' part? Throw that in with just being girls and that spells HORMONES! What a great time..sometimes girls just need to love on each other like that! Our waiter quietly went around the tables keeping the water glasses full, he even brought us extra napkins to dab our drenched faces. He was a total stud and handled us with care, but you KNOW he went home to his buddies like "DDUUUDEEESS, I had the CRAZIEST table tonight!"

Last night was no exception to our routine. We laughed a lot, we shared stories from our week, we talked about our kids/boys/homes and then conversation took a deliciously dirty turn to everything about child birth/labor. Given that two of us are FRESH off the labor circuit and one is going in, we had stories to tell and boy did we laugh. Sadly, I think our waiter was far from prepared to hear the conversation floating from our table. Yes, we women talk about the gory delivery details, tearing and fluids, boobies and body changes. It's one of those things we can share and while we laugh through it, we walk away relieved that we in fact, are NOT cuckoo for cocoa cocoa puffs and that some things really do happen to other people.

It is a treasure; a group of girls you can come to, hash out your dirty details with and walk away feeling saner for having done so. We challenge each other to be better wives/mothers/friends/sisters in significant ways, most of the time without using words. Sometimes the things unspoken make the most powerful impact.

Needless to say, I anticipate many more shell-shocked waiters and many more happy hour happenings. :) Cheers to you beautiful babes.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Granted, we're looking at the back of her head most of the time..but come ON, look at those toes!
See the toes, love the toes, dream about those twirly toes!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Have you ever seen a sweeter cupcake?! Thank you for the delicious warm wear Aunt Debbie!! You couldn't have found a cuter model. :)

Mama Love! We're both a bit fair eyed so that sunshine makes us super squinty!

Popo Johnson - Penelope's Great Grandpa

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


There is nothing in this world that compares to the first giggle of your first baby.

I was changing a diaper today while Penelope and I were chatting it up about her newest lovie "Bananas". She was telling me how they bonded at nap time. In the midst of her story telling, she got so excited mid-sentence that she let our her first ever giggle and I melted then and there.

Color me tickled...

Bubye 2009!

It is simply impossible to put into words the craziness and excitement of the last two weeks, so I thought I would try a different route.

SO - in no particular order...the highlights of our 2009 holiday season were...

Watching Penelope discover Christmas lights. Her eyes danced across the holiday trimmings with such wonder and delight!

Seeing A LOT of family on BOTH sides. We were fortunate to see schedules come together and a lot of family reunite.

Giving gifts - even if they were mostly homemade.

Feeling like distant cousins of the Griswolds as we darted through the Airport doing the "traveling with a newborn 100 yard dash". SO much stuff for someone so small! And who they tested breastmilk for anthrax!?

The cranky lady on the plane give us stink eye when we boarded, then continued to inform us that traveling with babies is basically foolish because all babies are miserable travelers. Little did she know she would be eating crow 2 hours later when we landed and Penelope had yet to make a single peep that wasn't in the form of a coo or gurgle.
She was a saint the entire trip...take that crankypants!


Awesome miniature golf - still not athletically inclined..even if it's hitting a ball through the slowly turning windmill. Dang.

Great food - all of the stuff Mom knows we love. She pulled out all the stops.

Discovery Channel - mmmm...Dirtiest Jobs, Deadliest Catch, DC Health...oh my!

Christmas 2009 was one for the books and we are so fortunate to have been able to experience it through the eyes of our beautiful baby girl. She provides all the wonder and delight these hearts needs this side of heaven.