How do I begin? How do I begin to put into words the last month of our lives?? This introduction to parenthood has been a crash course in patience, grace and true sleep deprivation. It's impossible to paint a picture that would do justice to the way our lives have been rocked. Hearts are overflowing across the board with the joy that this little one has added to our lives. Every change, every new adjustment, every tear (lots of emoting around here) has been a blessing, hands down. I wouldn't change a moment of it.
Nope, I lie...I would add a few dozen hours of sleep back into our schedule.
Things I love:
* The way she boldly owns each and every toot with a ear to ear grin. Couldn't care less if it's gas - my baby smiles people.
* The way her eyes dart across my face when she hears me talk to her.
* The way she knows my touch. If she is fussy when someone else holds her, she will stop when she is handed back to me.
* Her strength is outrageous! This little one holds her head up and kicks her legs and arms like a champion. Rock solid.
* Her need for touch - she is a snuggler.
* When she has alert time, it doesn't matter what noises come and go (vacuum, TV, dishwasher) she is content to hang out.
* I love that her noises are changing, we are still learning how to translate them, but her squeaks are precious.
Things I DEFINITELY don't love:
* Getting her tongue clipped - DOUBLE BOOOO.
* Her PKU testing in the first 2 weeks of life.
* Gas - two fold, it's insanely painful for her, and no fun for me since I am not able to eat chocolate or drink lemonade.
* The screaming that we can't translate - usually happens at the wee hours when her Daddy and I are barely coherent.
* Knowing when she is uncomfortable (tummy/tongue, etc.)
* Did I mention the horrible gas? HATE how horribly uncomfortable it makes her. No one wants to see their baby in pain.
* Her piddle trick. Every time her diaper change is nearly complete, she let's the pee fly...all over....clean clothes.
Now about that piddle trick. Last Sunday, Dana and I made our first venture out to church since Penelope's arrival. We took our time in the morning, made sure baby girl was fed, clean and happy and went out on our way. As expected, the time came when she needed to eat again so she and I went to the nursing mother's room at the back of the sanctuary. In the room, there was one other mother quietly nursing her little one, and a volunteer there to help the mommies. The room was dimly lit and the speakers were quietly sharing the service, it really was a sweet and comforting atmosphere. This being our first experience in the nursing room, I hoped we wouldn't be sticking out too much like a sore thumb. But lo and behold - she begins to nurse. Loudly. You would think that I had been depriving my child of any kind of nutrition with the way she was gulping. LOUDLY. The mom in front of me literally giggled when she heard Penelope start in. Little did she know, my baby belches like a sailor after a good meal - so what was to come was even MORE comical than the nursing part.
After the 'show' in the nursing mother's room, I took a full and sleeping baby back into the sanctuary for the duration of the service. Before leaving the church, I thought to play it safe, I would make one more trip to the nursing mother's room to do a quick diaper change. I got her laid out on the bathroom baby changing table, took her pants off, did the job. As I went to reach for the replacement diaper, it began. The flood, the flood of pee. (What I haven't mentioned yet, is she was wearing a DARLING sweater from her Aunt Jes, and being the first time mom I am, I realized I did not have a back up outfit on hand. ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!) So as I'm scrambling to get the new diaper on the table, pee is going EVERYWHERE. Up the back, down the legs, it's pooling on the changing table...POOLING. All I could think to do to save the clothing, so I held her up and let her finish the job. Yep, pee down the legs, soaking her socks and pooling...everywhere. So there I am, holding my baby over the changing table, looking desperately for something to clean her up with and there is pee just...everywhere. Needless to say, it became a one-armed balancing act. After a few splashes of water, two dozen wipes and two more diapers, we were back in action.
All I have to say, is I fought that gnarly sterile flood with vigor and the outfit was SAVED.
Consider me broken in to the bathroom diaper change.
This has been a ride. A really amazing, great ride. Every diaper fiasco or screaming fit is a learning experience for all three of us. We are learning the power in the love a parent has for their child. It grows by the minute and the strength in that love carries us.
We love her in a way that words can't capture. We want to be the very best we can for her in every way and hope that one day, we can be the parents to her, that our parents were to us.
So onward and upward to week number 4. I can't wait to see what our big lesson will be this week. :)
Your post made me grin ear-to-ear! Ah... sleep deprivation, soggy clothes, and a love bigger than you could ever have imagined!! Yep. Fun times. :-)
It wasn't long after we brought our first one home from the hospital that he peed on me during a diaper change... a while later I looked in the mirror and discovered a dried spot of baby pee right on my forehead. LOL.
One suggestion about those diaper changes: what works best for me is to remove baby's pants, unfold a clean diaper and place it in position under his/her [still-diapered] bottom, and THEN open the old diaper. Do any necessary wiping, then whisk the old diaper out of the way, exposing the clean diaper already spread underneath. The new diaper will (hopefully) catch any leaks, and it will already be in place so baby has less time to make a mess! Just a thought that might prove helpful...
Also, if you're comfortable using them, Mylicon makes infant gas drops. It's an infant version of Gas-X. We used them often with Elijah... we eventually realized that some of his gassiness was because he couldn't tolerate the dairy in my diet. (There's a history of lactose intolerance in my family.) Thankfully, Isaac has not had the same issues.
So glad you are planning to visit soon! Can't wait to meet your sweet baby girl! She is so beautiful! :-)
So great. What a wonderful time, and remember: every day is one day closer to a full night's sleep.
That kind of kept me sane for a while.
Your blog posts crack me up! I love you and miss you!
:) Noelle did the same thing, she would pee everytime we got her diaper off - all over everything!
It sounds like you are loving live with Penelope! I'm so happy for you and I can't wait to meet her!
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