Sunday, October 18, 2009

To be loved by you...

How sweet to be home.

Yesterday we signed on the dotted line, ran through the do's and don'ts with the nurse and brought our beautiful baby girl home.

How sweet it is.

We are totally pooped but extremely thankful to be able to sleep in our own bed, rest in our own space and enjoy the quiet with Penelope. We are learning quickly how the three of us will work together and we are doing our best to establish a routine. There is definitely a laundry list of things that we never realized we would run into. Whether it be the quirks of nursing, diapering, sleeping, healing, etc., those little things keep us on our toes and definitely keep our sense of humor finely tuned.

I can say with 100% certainty, that we came home with an angel baby. I'm sure every parent says that - and I'm sure there are those that will say "oh just you wait", but I honestly have met few babies that are so even tempered and mild. She is amazingly alert, she loves to coo and gurgle, she sleeps like a LOG at night (giving her mommy and daddy legitimate stretches of sleep), and she rarely EVER cries. Sure, maybe we are biased, but nurses were surprised by her from the moment she was born so I think we have a good thing going! :)

Thank the Lord for such a gift - I seriously don't think I could love her more. I feel like I've joined the elite group that know God's love in a very unique and special way. The way I love Dana now is far deeper than anything I could have imagined and the instant connection I have with this little girl is profound an indescribable.

I am beyond blessed - my cup runneth over.

1 comment:

Addie said...

Praise be to God, the giver of GOOD THINGS!

I had Blake and wanted to apologize to everyone I ever babysat for, because I didn't treat their children like the ABSOLUTE TREASURES I now realized they were. Also, needed to apologize to both of my parents for all the grief I gave 'em. :)

Many blessings to you and your family!