Thursday, January 29, 2009

Nemo? Think not.

I am increasingly aware of my irrational fear of open water. I would rather chew on glass than swim baywatch-style in the Pacific. Not even BIG open water necessarily, but creeks, rivers, ponds, lakes, oceans alike. I really dislike crossing the I5 bridge each morning purely for the fact that when traffic slows, I'm totally convinced the bridge will crumble underneath me and I will plummet into the cold.
Creepies, crawlies, lingering seaweeds, plants that eat fish, all of the above leave me perfectly content to sit on the beach and watch while others play.

Dana and I are gearing up for our trip to see my dad in Florida. Dana being the surfer boy he is, immediately started looking up local surf spots. Thanks to Discovery Channel 'Shark Week' I started looking up recent shark attacks.

I can't explain my neurosis really...but it keeps others entertained.


T said...

oh girlie girl. guess what i'm pretty much afraid of water too. not completely irrationally more like i saw a dead person being pulled out of a lake when i was 15 or when i was 15 i broke two teeth on two different rafting trips with my family. costing way too much money and too little pain killers.

i feel your pain. want some of my leftover pain killers?

Anonymous said...

I was once told that if you flop around when the sharks are near they get scared and leave. Or maybe it was the other way around. Hmmmm I will try that and get back to .........maybe

Addie said...

I am also scared of open water (rivers and creeks are okay, lakes and oceans freak me out). Because, just like in my crawl space, there are MONSTERS IN THERE.

And they won't just nibble my toes. They eat you. WHOLE.

I am not helping, am I?

Anonymous said...

sorry dear-I love the waters and all they possess. I wanted to be a pirate as a kid and sail the seas! :)