Tuesday, January 11, 2011

For Christina

You are one of the bravest people I've ever known. Your faith in God and your courage to pursue his will for your life is evident in everything you do. Your very presence encourages others to rise up and pursue our Heavenly Father with reckless abandon. Your story, your testimony has blessed others and made more of an impact not only on your community, but the world. You amaze me. You astound me. You bless your Savior by loving him, and us the way you do. Each step of the journey has been God-breathed and you have carried on with grace, dignity and unbelievable strength.

I love you sweet friend. You have an army of saints praying.


Addie said...

What you said.

T said...

prayin' and thinking of all the pdx folks. give her a big ole hug for me.