The wheel is spinning, but the hamster is dead.
That's how I feel these days! 'Baby brain' is NO JOKE people! At some point several weeks ago, I realized this uncontrollable need to blurt out my thoughts as they came to me. I no longer have the ability to maintain social courtesy and wait for someone else to finish their thought. Apparently now, if I wait patiently any more than 1.6 minutes, the thought is lost and my mind is temporarily gone. So like a spaz, I blurt "NO WAIT! I think I might have something to say."
'Baby brain' = baby tourettes people. No joke.
My ability to retain information is lost. My desk is littered with post-it notes with basic everyday information. I get laundry going at night with the hopes of having clean clothing in the morning, but lo and behold on more than one occasion, I left it sitting in the washer overnight. I am known to walk out the door in the morning without shoes. I wander 'purposely' in a direction only to get there and realize I have NO idea what I was heading for. Did I actually shut the fan off this morning? Did I close the garage? Did I already say that...more than once?
'Baby brain' = baby alzheimer's people. No joke.
Will the real Slim Shady please stand up? that me?